Curriculum Overview

Welcome to JMF6, the Sixth Form provided by Fitzharrys and John Mason Schools,
delivering high quality, post 16 education to young people in the Abingdon area and beyond.
Our ambition is for every student to access outstanding learning opportunities, which encourage
them to become academically successful, happy, confident and inquiring young people.

We believe that you have the potential to make a difference in the world; to be ambitious in
your career choices and to understand your place in society. We know we can achieve this for
you, through the very best teaching, high quality careers advice and guidance, a caring, and
knowledgeable pastoral support team, and a wide range of opportunities and experiences
designed to help you develop talents, interests and skills.

We pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive student community. Our ethos is based on
the principle that each student is an individual, is an exception and is valued. Throughout your
time with us this principle drives a personal tutorial programme to help support you academically
and personally, so that you achieve your goals. We have single year tutor groups in year 12 and
13 to ensure that your exact needs are met. Individual programmes will support you in whatever
pathway you choose to take next.

As well as setting challenging and aspirational academic targets, we also want you to acquire
skills and qualities which will help develop you as maturing adults. This we achieve through
our Enrichment Programme, where you are strongly encouraged to take part in the Duke of
Edinburgh Gold Award Scheme. Within this programme you commit to developing the qualities
of leadership, organisation, responsibility, and teamwork: the wider qualities looked for by
universities and employers. You will also learn new skills from a range of elective courses, in
addition to the option to continue with health and fitness or team sport. All students are offered
the EPQ, a much valued development and test of independent study skills.

We are very proud of our sixth form students; they are role models for our younger pupils and
show us time and time again that they are extraordinary young people; you could be too.

We look forward to you joining our community.


Mr A West: Headteacher - John Mason School

Mr W Speke: Headteacher - Fitzharrys School

Ms J Tridgell: Executive Headteacher - Abingdon Learning Trust